International measurements

International assessments of outcomes and context of education

Basic information

NUCEM by deputy of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic executes various important international measurements of results and context of education, which fulfil  the criteria and standards of comparative pedagogic research. The aim of international measurements is not to evaluate the results of individual pupils or schools but to monitor the results of educational systems of participating countries and their changes in time, to discover their strong as well as weak points and to trace the possibilities of their improvement. In these days we carry out five international studies: OECD PISA and TALIS and IEA PIRLS, TIMSS and ICCS.

The Department of International Measurements at NUCEM, which works as the National Co-ordinative Centre of International Studies in Slovakia, implements the development and adaptation of evaluative framework and tools for measurement of educational results, prepares and organizes data collection at participating schools, processes data and interpretes the results, prepares national reports and creates outputs for applied research in the area of education and educational policy. There is no other Slovak institution with comparable experience in this field.